Hazel Wood and Amber

Hazelwood Necklaces and Bracelets: Naturally Balance Your pH Levels
Have you seen a baby or infant lately wearing a neat looking wood necklace or anklet? It’s not a fashion trend; they are hazelwood and amber necklaces and they help baby feel better! For centuries the aboriginal people put hazelwood chips on the backs of babies necks – to help ease the pain from teething. Hazelwood necklaces also help alleviate other health issues (eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes) – naturally (and fashionably!)
How Hazelwood Necklaces and Bracelets Naturally Heal Your Body
Hazelwood acts to balance the body’s pH levels – turning acidic pH levels into alkaline levels. The way it works is the hazelwood actually absorbs the extra acid and while it does, the wood gradually turns a darker brown color. In order for the body to be at it’s best healing level, it should be slightly more alkaline. When your body is higher in acidic pH, you are susceptible to more illnesses and pains. By helping it be more alkaline, it is better able to filter out toxins and help the immune system combat any illnesses.
Hazelwood necklaces have been used by customers to relieve and soothe the following health conditions:
- Teething
- Skin Problems (eczema, rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne etc.)
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Constipation
- Migraines
- Cavities
- and other health ailments that are caused by excess of acid in the body
Hazelwood for Necklaces and Wrist Bracelets
How the Amber Necklace and Bracelets Help Natural Healing
The Amber puts succinic (suh-sin-ic) acid into your body, which is said to act as an anti-inflammatory agent. The Amber helps to reduce inflammation be it joint pain from arthritis or even from injuries.
It occurs naturally in nature and is very important in your body’s metabolism process. High in anti-oxidants, it is said to stimulate neural system recovery and boost the immune system. Users say it boost energy levels, concentration and awareness.
Europeans have used Amber for natural healing for centuries. While they did not realize what succinic acid was and that Amber is very high in it, they did realize that it worked to heal them and used it to keep healthy. Tea was brewed in Amber pots, baby teethers were made of Amber and it was also burned to fumigate after the plague hit Europe in the middle ages.
Baltic Amber
Are Hazelwood and Amber Necklaces Safe for Baby and Everyone
You must look carefully at the necklaces for baby and ensure they have a baby-safe latch on the back. The clasp should be designed to break open if it gets snagged on something; to prevent strangulation. Some parents choose to take the necklace off at sleeping time and you can also wrap the necklace around the ankle a few times and cover with a sock.
When it comes to babies and kids, you don’t want the necklaces or bracelets to get into their mouths. The beads and wood pieces can be a choking hazard. The necklaces can help with diaper rash, upset stomach and teething pains so if you aren’t comfortable with having the necklace on their neck while they sleep, wrap it around their ankle and cover with a sock to ensure they don’t pull at it! If they are wearing it as a necklaces, they should not be able to get it over their chin (to enable sucking on it!)
How Long Hazelwood and Amber Necklaces Will Last and Keep Working
It depends on how acidic your body is. The necklaces will generally last between 3 months and a year. Depending on use and wear and tear, you may need to replace your necklace every 4 months. (Baby safety clasp features only last 4 months, so if you are using the necklace for an infant, replace necklace after 4 months or move necklace to ankle instead.) Some customers have reported using double necklaces for severe whole-body eczema conditions, while others need only a single necklace to keep their body pH in balance.
It is also advisable to remove the necklace or bracelets before showing/bathing or swimming. While regular water won’t reduce the affect of the hazelwood, it can warp the wood and give it a “weathered” appearance. Chlorine, however, will destroy the wood and you should not wear these necklaces when swimming in chlorinated water.
Many customers feel relief within a day or two, but it can take 2-4 weeks to notice any difference; depending on your health ailments. Hazelwood and Amber necklaces will not cure the problem, they only absorb extra acid that your body is producing.
Deciding on a Necklace
You don’t necessarily need a combination Hazelwood and Amber necklace, their are many necklaces that are hazelwood only. The Amber addition helps to add some immune boosting to your system but it is the hazelwood the really helps in taking away the harmful acid build-up. So choose something that appeals to you and see how it works! Even if you aren’t buying them for health purposes – they are fashionable and fun too!!